
Your Homepage | Cases | Alerts – Keeping Track of Clients | Setting up New Prospects


iVisa is centered around managing application files or “Cases”. Each Case contains all the things you need to collaborate with Migrants and Sponsoring Companies when preparing an application including:

  • a customisable Form and Document list
  • User guides for Migrants and Sponsoring Company Representatives
  • Case Note facilities and
  • a Messaging (Chat) window to communicate with your co-workers, Migrants and Sponsoring Company Representatives



Your Homepage


From your Homepage you can access the key functions of the system.

  • Cases takes you to the Cases which are assigned to you by the Managing Agent
  • Migrants takes you to the Migrant Profiles
  • Companies takes you to the Sponsoring Company Profiles
  • Alerts lets you keep track of your messages and what your Clients are doing



Your Managing Agent will assign you to Cases for you to work on. Click on the Cases page to see a list of your Cases. If the Visa Subclass has already been set, you will see it in the Visa Type field (for instance 187vs, 186n, 457sbs etc). If the Visa Subclass has not been set the Visa Type will be Prospect.


Click on the Case Number to go into the Case. Here you will see the:

Case Summary – gives the basic details of the Case. Use Process Stage to let your client know where the case is up to (they can see it too).

Case Notes – use this to keep notes about telephone conversations and other events relevant to the Case

Form and Document List – Use the Checkboxes on the left of each document and the Mark N/A button to hide those documents your Clients don’t need to provide. As your Clients upload their documents (the blue button) you can use Retrieve (the green button) to review their documents, then set the document status to Approved, Reviewed or Rejected. This means you and your clients know exactly what the status of all the documents are at any time and can see what information is outstanding.

Messaging (Chat) window is used to communicate with the clients – if you do all your communications this way, it will save you having to sort and categorise emails and keeps everything in the Case file. They will automatically get an email when you message them and you will get an email when they message you.

IMPORTANT: Setting the Case Deadline at this point is key to good Case management. It lets you keep track of when the application needs to be lodged and will show up on your home page as a reminder every time you login. The Deadline should be based on factors such as: when their current visa expires or when they will reach 6 months with their current employer if on a 417 visa.


Alerts – Keeping Track of Clients

The Alerts page is where all actions relating to the Client come together. This page has three sections, Current Alerts, Client Actions and History

Current Alerts – For urgent things you need your client to do, you can set an Alert on any Case with a Due Date and that Alert is sent as an email to your Client (See the Case Functions section).

Messages and Other Client Actions –Any action that a Client takes on a Case – for instance sending you a message, uploading a document or modifying their profile – will show up in the Client Actions section.


You can read a message by hovering over the View label for that Message or click on View jump straight to the Case to deal with it. Once you have dealt with a message, select it and click DONE – this will file it in Client History


Setting up New Prospects

If your Managing Agent has enabled you to do this, you can use the iVisa system to set up new prospects while you are interviewing them, simply go to the Migrants page and click Add Migrant. This will take you to a questionnaire where you can enter the prospect details. When you Save and Exit, a new Migrant Profile will be created in the system and a Case will be created for them.

Points Test Click in to the Migrant Profile and simply make sure the Date of Birth is entered in the Status section and then enter the details in the Education and Experience section and click UPDATE. This will display their points.