Messaging System and Alerts

The Alerts page is where all actions relating to the Client come together. This page has three sections, Current Alerts, Client Actions and History

Current Alerts

You can set an Alert on any Case with a Due Date and that Alert is sent as an email to your Client (See the Case Functions section). The Alert will appear in the Current Alerts section with the soonest due date at the top so you can track critical requests that you have made to your Clients. Once a client has responded to that Alert, you can simply select it and click DONE – at that point the Alert is transferred to the History section so that only Alerts which are still pending appear in the Current Alerts section

Messages and Other Client Actions

Any action that a Client takes on a Case – for instance sending you a message, uploading a document or modifying their profile – will show up in the Client Actions section. You should check this section whenever you login as it lets you review all the actions, which all your clients have taken which require your attention. You can use the filters to view only Messages or only Document Uploads etc.


You can read a message by hovering over the View label for that Message or click on View jump straight to the Case to deal with it. Once you have dealt with a message, select it and click DONE – this will file it in Client History and leave only unread messages in the Client Actions section.

Similarly you can see what document was uploaded by hovering over the View label for a Document Upload or click on View jump straight to the Case to review the document. Once you have dealt with any Client Action, select it and click DONE – this will file it in Client History and leave only new Actions in the Client Actions section.