Your company may sponsor many employees over time and those employees may progress through a number of visas while they are employed by you. For instance they might start with a Working Holiday (417) visa then progress to a 457 and later to an Employer Nomination Scheme Subclass 186 Visa. For each Visa and nomination there will be a separate Case, which you can view and manage from the Visa Applications page.
Click on the Case Number to go into the Case. Normally you can access Nomination and Standard Business Sponsorship cases, but not Visa cases. This is because Visa Cases contain the personal information of your employees and their dependents and therefore must be kept private.
Hovering over View for the Application will let you see what stage the application is at. View for the Current Visa will show you any conditions which have been recorded against the Migrant’s current visa.
Assigning Cases to a Representative
You can assign cases to any Representative from the Visa Applications page, simply select the Representative you want to work on the Case from the dropdown list in the Manage Column.
Adding New Cases
You can only do this if you have CREATE CASES permission assigned to you by your Migration Agent.
You can create a Case on the Visa Applications page, by selecting the Visa Subclass, the Division (if you are using Divisions) and select the Migrant. Then click CREATE. You will need to ask your Migration Agent to customize the document list for you for that application