Representative Management
Representatives are employees of your Company who you can add to the system to help you manage Cases. You can view Representatives by clicking the Representatives button.
Adding a Representative
You can Add Representative from the Representatives page, once you have completed their details and clicked Create, remember to Set Password to create their username and password in the system and notify them so that they can login.
Representative Permissions
You can view and change the Representative Permissions for your Company from the Representatives page
The Permissions are as follows:
CO – allows the Sponsoring Company profile to be modified, including the Managing Representative details – it is inadvisable to allow anyone to do this except a very trusted person as they can lock the Managing Representative out of the system.
DIV – allows the user to see all Sponsoring Company’s Divisions and Edit, Create or Delete them depending on what is selected
REP – allows the user to see all Sponsoring Company’s Representatives and Edit, Create or Delete them depending on what is selected
MIG – allows the user to see all Migrants and Edit, Create or Delete them depending on what is selected
CASE – allows the user to create and delete cases depending on what is selected. They can only see Cases to which they are assigned or that they have created themselves.
NOTE: The MIG and CASE permissions only work if your Migration Agent has given yout Create Cases permissions.
Assigning Cases to a Representative
You can assign cases to any Representative from the Visa Applications page, simply select the Representative you want to work on the Case from the dropdown list in the Manage Column.