Case Management – Sponsoring Companies


Setting up Cases | Customise the Case Document List | Assign the Agent | Send the Clients their Login Details | Working the Case

Sponsoring Companies can have a long term relationship with their Agents and over time may sponsor many migrants. The iVisa system allows companies to manage all their applications in one place. Sponsoring Companies have their own portal which shows their sponsored migrants and their associated Nomination Cases, but does not provide access to Migrant Profiles or the Migrant’s visa Cases which contain personal information. The Managing Representative manages this portal and can assign different cases to different Representatives within the Sponsoring Company – They an even divide their Company up into Divisions. You as the Managing Agent can also manage Sponsoring company Representatives and which cases they are assigned to if required. Sponsoring companies only see applications related to their company, so if a migrant changes employer and does a different visa with you, the original sponsoring company will not see that application. Sponsoring Companies can see the existence of a Migrant Visa case but cannot go into the Case and see the details, unless you enable that via the VIEW radio button in the “C” (Company column) on the Cases Page. Do not enable this feature unless you have written permission from the Migrant to reveal personal information to the Sponsoring Company.


Setting up Cases

You can create a Case simply by going to the Cases page, selecting the Visa Subclass, select the Sponsoring Company (or Independent if there is no company involved) and select the Migrant. Then click CREATE

If you are converting a prospect to a client and a Prospect Case already exists go to into the Prospect case for the Migrant, set the Sponsoring Company and click Update then Convert To whatever Visa Subclass is required.

NOTE: You can only convert to migrant visas, you cant convert a Prospect case to a Nomination or SBS as these are company related applications


Customise the Case Document List

The next step is to customize the form and document list in the case. When you set up a new Case for a Sponsoring Company such as an SBSA or a Nomination application, the form and document lists contain a large number of items which may or may not be required – for instance Business Plans or Lease Agreements.

To provide the best experience to the Sponsoring Company, it is important that you go through the list and customize it to their needs by marking each unnecessary document as NA preferably before the Sponsoring Company Representative first logs in – All items marked NA are not seen by the Representative – this gives you and the Representative the shortest possible list to work by.

Simply select the ones you don’t need using the radio buttons to the left of each form and document and click Mark NA. When you or the Sponsoring Company next look at that case, only the required documents will be displayed. If you need to see the full list again, just click Show/Hide NA.


Assign the Agent

Next you need to assign the Agent for the case, this is the person who will work with the client and be responsible for the Case. On the Cases page, find your case and select the Agent for that Case from the dropdown. If you have anyone assisting or supervising then select Processor and Supervisor as appropriate.


Send the Clients their Login Details

Once you have the Case setup and the form and document list customized, you need to give new Clients access to the system by emailing them the login link for your Agency, their username and their password. Sample welcome emails can be found at the Welcome Emails page.

NOTE: You don’t need to do this step for existing clients – an existing client will simply see the new Case in the system the next time they login, but it is good practice to let them know again when the Case is properly set up.

You can find out a Sponsoring Company Managing Representative’s Username by going to the Sponsoring Company Profile and clicking on Change Username/Password. This will display their Username. (For other Representatives you need to go to the Sponsoring Company Profile and click Representatives and select their profile) When a Sponsoring Company is created, it is important you set the Managing Representatives Username and Password so that they can login again later).


Working the Case

Now everyone has access to the Case who needs it, so you (or whoever is Agent) can log in and send a welcome message to the Sponsoring Company Representative via the Messaging window. Whatever you put in will be sent to them in an email as well as visible to them in the Messaging window when they log in.

When the Representative logs in they will see the list of required forms and documents. They can download the forms they need to fill in and can read the Templates in order to understand exactly what is required for each document. As they get their information together they can upload it directly into the Case and you will receive notifications via the Alerts page – Client Actions section and via email (if configured). If they have questions they can message you via the built in messaging window. Again you will receive email notifications about new messages and via the Alerts page. If your clients give you originals, you can scan them and upload them yourself in the same way.

 As the forms and documents are uploaded into the Case, you can click on the download button to review them. Once reviewed you can set the Status of each form or document to Approved, Reviewed or Rejected. When you set the Status to Approved or Reviewed, the upload button disappears so the form or document can’t be changed without you knowing. If you reject a document, be sure you use the messaging window to let the Representative know why and what they need to do to fix the problem. Once all the required forms and documents are at APPROVED, you are ready for final review – so set the Case Status to REVIEWING.

The Representative can see the Progress Stage, Document Status and Case Status as soon as you modify it so they are kept up to date with the progress of the case at all times. This reduces phone queries dramatically if used consistently

You can use the system to get formal approval from your client to lodge an application by asking them to click SUBMIT in their Case view when they are happy that the application is ready to lodge – only the client can click SUBMIT, not an Agent. 

Once you have done the final review and the client has approved lodgement, you can proceed to lodgement with DIBP. The iVisa system makes it easy to get all the documents you need together in one place ready for upload into your IMMI account – use the radio buttons to the left of each document to select all the documents you want to upload to DIBP (or use SELECT ALL and de-select the ones you don’t want) and then click the RETRIEVE button – the system will zip all the documents and download them to your computer. Each document is named with the Case Number, form or document name and the date and time it was uploaded. This way you have a consistent record of what information you present to DIBP.

Once lodged, set the Case Status to Lodged or Lodged Incomplete as appropriate and remember to set the date so the Representative knows that the application is lodged. You can also track intermediate stages of an application with Case Status, such as RCB Lodged or State Sponsorship Lodged as appropriate. You can upload the lodgement receipts into the DIBP Documents section and copies of the application forms into Additional Documents or Agent Only (visible only to the agent) as appropriate.

If queries are later received by DIBP, you can keep the Representative informed by setting the Case Status to Info Requested – DIBP. Use the messaging window to maintain communication about what is required.

Once the application is Granted, upload the Grant Notification into the DIBP Documents section and set the Case Status to GRANTED. This will lock the Case so no changes can be made. Remember to set the GRANT Date and also the Expiry Date. This way you can track which clients have SBSA’s etc approaching expiry and notify them ahead of time which will provide the opportunity for repeat business.